Friday, June 3, 2011

Two short trips to London

On both occasions, James drove me to London for the 2nd and 3rd day of the CASCA conference. There were talks on stars, galaxies, black holes, dark matter and exoplanets (the last being the most interesting, as it involved discussions on ET, even though they happen to be heavily far fetched)
The journey 130 km each side was covered every time in a few minutes shy of 1.5 hours. During these long drives, James and I chatted over a variety of stuff, mostly sociological. I learnt that a huge percentage of the Canadian population is atheistic. We also talked about how Canada exists over the waves of migration from around the world. Maybe, a mixed modern world culture is the essence of Canada and its progressiveness.
While I was in London. I came out the conference area only once for about 45 minutes, and in that short period, I formed a very wrong impression about the place. I saw many ruffian-like people in the streets, one of them running across as if he has just snatched something from someone. I saw police patrolling, and then to top it all, around a corner, there was a police vehicle, and two policemen grabbed a guy by his collar, handcuffed him and forced him into the car. Most of the people living in the area though believe it to be a very safe town. and I should not draw conclusions from such a short account, as probability plays tricky games at times. But nevertheless, it was cool to witness a movie like scene in real life.

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